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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer and Questioning+ in Later Life


The aim of this course is to introduce you to some of the key issues related to the care and support of LGBTQ+ Individuals. The correct terminology to use, how the needs of an LGBTQ+ individual differ to those of others, what specifics you may need to be aware of.


Most importantly, what can you do to ensure LGBTQ+ individuals receive the best possible care and support?

LGBTQ+ in Later Life

  • New or existing managers or senior level staff, working in a health and social care setting.
  • By the end of this course, you will be able to:

    • Describe the role of history and life experiences for LGBTQ+ people and recognise their significance when building trust.
    • Outline the terminology used by individuals to describe and express gender and sexual diversity; including pronouns.
    • Explain how to avoid making assumptions.
    • Describe the legal requirements for maintaining confidentiality.
    • Explain how and why LGBTQ+ people are covered by the protective characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.
    • Explain how specific articles of the Human Rights Act relate to the experience of LGBTQ+ people in later life.
    • Recognise the diversity of kinship for LGBTQ+ individuals.
    • Describe how to actively include social and friendship family networks around people in later life.
    • Outline the different forms of discrimination that LGBTQ+ people can face.
    • Recognise how a person’s values and beliefs can result in discrimination.
    • Describe how to report and challenge discrimination in a way that promotes positive change.
    • Outline ways of demonstrating LGBTQ+ visibility and / or visible allyship.
    • Recognise that LGBTQ+ people have multiple identities and why you should not make assumptions.
    • Explain the differences between formal and informal caring and the key role of the latter in LGBTQ+ support.
    • Recognise the importance of sexuality and emotional intimacy.
    • Describe how to respect and maintain confidentiality in regard to trans and non-binary people.
    • Outline how to handle any information about HIV status appropriately, knowing what it is and how individuals may be affected.
    • Describe how to recognise stigma and discrimination around HIV.
    • Explain how to recognise the signs of abuse, how to ask the right questions and how to report.
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