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Sharon Craig

Performance Management: Moving Beyond Annual Reviews

A note book with annual review printed on the front cover


Annual performance reviews are becoming less and less common in today’s fast-paced, digitally-first workforce; instead, organisations are choosing to conduct reviews on a more frequent basis. Carrying out performance reviews once a year can do more harm than good, as it is not frequent enough to identify and address any weaknesses or skill gaps as they arise, leading to poor performance and missed opportunities.

When performance reviews are held more frequently, the organisation can continuously gather data surrounding their staff’s performance. It gives both the manager and staff members the opportunity to share their thoughts and feedback and collaboratively work together to align their goals with the company’s mission. It also opens up a pathway to discuss training opportunities or a potential job promotion.

In this blog post, we will explore why companies are shifting away from annual reviews and how data-driven performance management fosters better employee engagement and development.

Limitations of Traditional Annual Reviews

Traditional Annual Reviews were initially introduced during World War 1, when the US military developed a merit rating system to assist commanders in determining which soldiers, based on their performance, should be transferred or discharged. As time progressed, organisations started adopting the concept of performance reviews by using KPIs to identify areas for improvement and acknowledge their staff’s achievements. However, traditional annual performance reviews have their disadvantages.

A performance review check-board

Key Drawbacks:

  • Infrequency leads to a lack of real-time feedback.

  • High pressure on employees, resulting in anxiety rather than constructive growth.

  • Limited accuracy—often reliant on subjective observations and memory.

  • Disconnection from real-time organisational goals and employee development.

According to YouGov survey data, only 26% of respondents said their performance review was beneficial, and 74% of UK employees believe traditional performance reviews are useless, according to YouGov survey data. The primary issues with traditional performance appraisals are the buildup and their ambiguity. Because of this, it may be beneficial to add to or substitute your annual evaluation with regular reviews.

The Shift to Continuous Performance Management

Providing continuous feedback to your staff members is crucial for achieving employee and organisational success. This is because feedback can help identify areas for improvement and acknowledge where and how their strengths can be fully utilised to meet their goals. Continuous feedback can also strengthen work relationships as it requires a level of open-mindedness and communication, and it ensures that staff members are consistently in line with the aims and objectives of the organisation. This ultimately boosts morale, productivity, and satisfaction.

Background picture of a lady holding a tablet and a text box with performance review icons

Why Continuous Feedback Works:

  • Ongoing communication encourages growth and adaptability.

  • Real-time feedback allows employees to course-correct and improve continuously.

  • Promotes alignment with company goals in an agile work environment.

With data-driven tools having quantifiable and factual metrics, it eliminates any objectivity or biases. These tools provide up-to-date analytics and insights into employee performance and training needs, allowing organisations to make timely decisions and ensure their staff’s performance is aligned with the organisation’s goals. These tools also allow you to identify trends and areas for ongoing development.

Benefits of Data-Driven Performance Management

Person typing on a laptop with hovering images of kpi graphs

Data analytics and digital tools can make performance management more objective and transparent as they allow for the following:

  • Automated tracking of KPIs.

  • Personalised performance insights and development plans.

  • Identifying skill gaps early on.

Link to Talent Development: Continuous feedback loops help with tailored employee development programs, boosting retention.

Alignment with Workforce Trends: Digital transformation and the remote work era require flexible, real-time systems.

Implementing a Continuous Performance Management System

Person typing on a laptop with hovering images of review icons

Steps for Organisations:

  1. Adopt Digital Tools: Integrate workforce development software for real-time tracking and reporting.

  2. Encourage Open Communication: Foster a culture of transparency and regular check-ins.

  3. Set Clear KPIs and Goals: Ensure that employees understand their performance metrics in a data-driven system.

  4. Training for Managers: Equip managers with the skills and tools to deliver actionable, constructive feedback continuously.

The Future of Performance Management

The Myrus Performance Management tool was designed with the intention of assisting organisations to reach their workforce development goals in creating a highly skilled team. The tool aids in providing and receiving feedback during performance reviews. It enables staff and managers to collaborate through regular appraisals, setting objectives, KPIs, and clear role expectations. It also helps identify learning and developmental needs. Myrus facilitates regular communication and feedback, allowing teams to effectively plan, monitor, and review their objectives and overall contribution to services.


Shifting from traditional annual performance reviews to regular reviews can be a major game changer for ensuring your staff’s performance meets the organisation's standards. Regular reviews eliminate biases, address any issues as they arise, encourage continuous feedback, and support ongoing development. As a result, your staff will feel empowered and satisfied and will ensure they are always clear of what’s expected of them.

Learn how BroadShield's cutting-edge performance management tools can help your organisation thrive in the digital era. Get in touch with us today for a demo! Call 03458 801 818 or click on the button below.


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