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Hybrid Work and Performance: How to Manage and Measure Remote Teams

Man holding a mug while using the laptop at home

In recent years, the global shift towards hybrid and fully remote work has fundamentally changed how businesses operate. This new model has offered employees greater flexibility and work-life balance, while companies have benefited from reduced operational costs and access to a wider talent pool. However, managing and measuring performance in this new landscape presents a unique set of challenges.

Hybrid work environments are here to stay—nearly 70% of employees want a combination of remote and in-office work, according to a report from McKinsey. But with that comes the responsibility to ensure that remote teams remain productive, engaged, and aligned with company objectives. In this blog post, we will explore effective strategies for managing and measuring the performance of hybrid and remote teams, discuss the importance of maintaining engagement, and show how Myrus by BroadShield can help organisations thrive in this evolving work environment.

The Challenges of Managing Remote and Hybrid Teams

Hybrid and remote workforces are becoming the new norm, but they come with several challenges that organisations must overcome to ensure that their teams remain productive and engaged. These include:

  1. Lack of Real-Time Oversight: In traditional office settings, managers can walk over to an employee’s desk to check progress or offer support. In remote environments, this level of visibility is lost, making it harder to monitor work progress in real-time or provide timely feedback.

  2. Communication Barriers: Remote work relies heavily on digital communication tools, which can sometimes hinder collaboration. Miscommunication can occur due to the absence of face-to-face interaction, leading to delays in projects or confusion about priorities.

  3. Maintaining Engagement: Engaging employees in a remote or hybrid setup can be challenging, as it’s harder to foster a sense of belonging when team members are physically distant from one another. This can result in disengagement, reduced morale, and ultimately lower productivity.

  4. Measuring Performance: Traditionally, performance management relied on in-office observations and annual reviews. However, these methods are not well-suited to remote work environments where continuous feedback and data-driven insights are needed to keep teams on track.

The Importance of Measuring and Managing Performance in a Hybrid Environment

The absence of physical proximity makes it even more important to manage and measure performance effectively in a hybrid or fully remote setup. According to a 2021 report by Microsoft, over 40% of the global workforce considered leaving their employer during the pandemic, citing issues such as burnout and lack of clarity on work expectations. Ensuring that employees are not only productive but also engaged and supported is crucial to organisational success in this environment.

Two ladies on a video call via a laptop

Effective performance management in hybrid settings must focus on:

  • Tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Monitoring both individual and team performance through measurable metrics that align with organisational goals.

  • Providing Continuous Feedback: Offering regular feedback to employees on their performance, ensuring they understand their progress and areas for improvement.

  • Setting Clear Expectations: Defining clear goals and objectives that are aligned with the company’s strategic vision.

  • Fostering Engagement and Collaboration: Ensuring that employees remain motivated and feel part of the company culture, even when working remotely.

Strategies for Managing and Measuring Performance in Hybrid Workplaces

To successfully manage and measure performance in a hybrid or remote work environment, organisations must adopt new strategies that reflect the unique dynamics of these work models. Below are key strategies for effectively managing remote teams.

Two individuals talking with open laptop in front of them

1. Set Clear Goals and Expectations 

In a hybrid or remote environment, setting clear and measurable goals is essential. Without in-person supervision, employees need to understand exactly what is expected of them. These goals should be:

  • Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART): Clear and actionable goals that allow employees to focus on priorities and understand how their work aligns with the company’s objectives.

  • Outcomes-Based: Rather than focusing on hours worked or time spent in front of a computer, performance should be measured based on outcomes and deliverables. This approach is better suited to remote work, where productivity may not follow traditional 9-to-5 patterns.

  • Scenario: A software development team working in a hybrid model is tasked with completing a project within a specified timeframe. Rather than monitoring how many hours each developer is logged into the system, managers focus on key deliverables, such as code quality, completion of milestones, and adherence to the project timeline. This allows employees to work flexibly while staying accountable for outcomes.

2. Implement Continuous Performance Tracking and Feedback 

Annual or bi-annual reviews are not sufficient in a fast-paced, remote work environment. To keep employees on track, performance tracking must be continuous. Managers should check in with their teams regularly, providing real-time feedback on performance and adjusting goals as needed.

  • Frequent Check-Ins: Schedule regular virtual meetings (e.g., weekly or bi-weekly) to review progress, discuss challenges, and adjust goals. This provides an opportunity to give constructive feedback and recognise achievements.

  • Use of Digital Tools: Leverage performance management software that enables both managers and employees to track progress and milestones in real time. This ensures transparency and helps avoid bottlenecks.

Scenario: A marketing agency working remotely utilises a performance management tool to track each team member’s progress on various campaigns. Regular weekly check-ins are held to discuss the status of deliverables and make any necessary adjustments. Team members are also encouraged to give feedback on the process, creating a continuous feedback loop.

3. Encourage Collaboration and Communication

Communication is the backbone of successful remote and hybrid work environments. Without effective collaboration, employees can feel isolated and disconnected from the team.

  • Use Collaborative Platforms: Digital tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom can facilitate seamless communication, allowing team members to collaborate on projects regardless of location.

  • Create Opportunities for Informal Interactions: While it’s important to focus on work-related tasks, fostering a sense of camaraderie is equally important. Virtual coffee breaks, team-building exercises, or informal chats can help maintain team spirit.

Scenario: A hybrid finance team adopts Microsoft Teams as their primary communication tool, using it for everything from project updates to informal team bonding sessions. By maintaining an open line of communication, they avoid the silos often associated with remote work, which helps keep everyone aligned and engaged.

4. Use Data and Analytics to Inform Decisions

Data plays a crucial role in performance management for remote teams. By tracking performance metrics, such as project completion rates, customer satisfaction scores, or revenue targets, managers can make data-driven decisions about their teams’ productivity and identify areas for improvement.

Data-Driven Insights: Use analytics to evaluate employee performance objectively. This eliminates bias and focuses on outcomes rather than assumptions about productivity.

Monitor Engagement Levels: Track engagement metrics, such as employee participation in meetings, responsiveness, and collaboration levels. Low engagement may indicate that an employee is struggling or disconnected, which requires timely intervention.

Scenario: An IT company with a remote support team tracks data on customer satisfaction, ticket resolution times, and response rates. By reviewing these metrics, the company can identify top performers, provide additional support to those falling behind, and ensure that the team as a whole is meeting performance standards.

5. Recognise and Reward Achievements

Recognition and rewards are vital for maintaining employee engagement, especially in remote settings where achievements may go unnoticed. Regularly recognising employees for their hard work, whether through public acknowledgements, bonuses, or other incentives, helps boost morale and reinforces a culture of performance excellence.

Scenario: A hybrid customer service team implements a monthly recognition program where employees are celebrated for exceeding performance goals. The recognition is shared during team meetings and on the company’s communication platform, creating positive reinforcement and motivation across the team.

How Myrus by BroadShield Can Help Manage and Measure Performance in Remote Teams

Myrus by BroadShield is designed to meet the challenges of managing performance in hybrid and remote environments. The platform offers a comprehensive solution that helps organisations track performance, maintain engagement, and align individual and team goals with broader company objectives.

Two individuals looking at the Myrus Performance Management dashboard on a laptop

Here’s how Myrus can help:

1. Real-Time Performance Tracking

Myrus enables real-time performance tracking, allowing managers to monitor employee progress and achievements on an ongoing basis. This transparency ensures that remote teams are held accountable, and any performance issues can be addressed promptly.

2. Continuous Feedback Mechanism

With Myrus, managers can provide continuous feedback, offering constructive insights at every stage of a project. This regular communication helps employees stay aligned with their goals and ensures they have the guidance they need to succeed, even when working remotely.

3. Data-Driven Insights

Myrus provides powerful data analytics tools that allow organisations to track and measure employee performance through key metrics. These insights offer a clear, objective view of how well teams are performing, which helps in making informed decisions about productivity, engagement, and development needs.

4. Goal Alignment and Personalised Development Plans

Myrus allows for clear goal-setting and alignment across the organisation. The platform helps managers set SMART goals, track progress, and adjust development plans as needed. This approach ensures that remote employees are working towards meaningful objectives that contribute to both their personal growth and the success of the company.

Conclusion: The Future of Performance Management in Hybrid Workplaces

Hybrid and remote work environments are not just temporary solutions—they represent the future of work. To ensure continued success, organisations must adopt performance management strategies that are tailored to these unique environments. By setting clear goals, providing continuous feedback, encouraging collaboration, leveraging data, and recognising achievements, organisations can keep remote teams productive, engaged, and aligned with their objectives.

Myrus by BroadShield offers a comprehensive performance management platform that helps organisations navigate the challenges of managing remote teams. With real-time tracking, continuous feedback, and data-driven insights, Myrus ensures that hybrid teams are empowered to succeed and contribute to long-term organisational growth.


  1. McKinsey & Company. (2021). What executives are saying about the future of hybrid work. Link to source

  2. Microsoft. (2021). The 2021 Work Trend Index: Annual Report. Link to source

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